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AutoBIM Innovation

Contractor built software for increased BIM adoption
Mission statement

The AutoBIM software solution is being developed to create the platform that will inspire and enable the construction industry and its customers. Users will be able to easily and rapidly adopt BIM to access a project’s Common Data Environment. It is our mission to identify best practice, remove the barriers to adoption and develop a tool to support organisational BIM adoption, compliance and collaboration.

The background

BIM is touted as an effective way of addressing issues affecting the productivity of the construction industry. Through BIM-adoption, "significant improvement in cost, value and carbon-performance can be achieved through the use of open-sharable asset-information". To reinforce its benefits, the government Construction-2025 lists BIM as a key-element for achieving its goal of 33% lower-cost, 50% faster-delivery, 50% lower emissions and 50% improvement in export.

The challenge

Although there has been an increase in BIM-adoption, companies still find it difficult to implement the "real" BIM and realise the expected benefits. This is because of the naming convention in line with standards and the need for adequate building-information to accompany 3D-representation of building materials/elements/products in a collaborative environment. For organisations that have surpassed the barrier to BIM-adoption, the main-challenge remains getting everyone involved in collaborative-projects to use CDE and to ascertain the exact-level of (and the specific) information required for different aspects and types of assets. Thus, some projects on which BIM is claimed to be used have only assembled digital information without providing useful information for construction, in the short-term, and data for asset-management in the long-term.


Our R&D activities to date have shown that data storage and management, which is the main requisite to digital innovation within the industry, is yet to mature. The industry still has a long way to go to unlock the benefits of digital innovation. As a result, we have embarked on the development of an automated “design model health check” that will form the basis of our Automated Share platform (Auto-BIMShare). This will drive collaboration between design delivery partners and facilitate the production of more adequate information at the early stages.

The opportunity

There is currently no tool to support organisational BIM-adoption within the industry. The AutoBIM software will be developed to assist compliance with standards, leverage previous project lessons/historic data, support automated Construction-Operations-Building-Information-Exchange-(COBie), and facilitate supply-chain integration with product-manufacturers. Based on these, the AutoBIM project adopts techniques in Machine-Learning-(ML) and Big-Data-Analytics to create an innovative tool-(Auto-BIM) as a plug-in to existing BIM-tools.

The solution
AutoBIM soltuion graphic

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